Dirty Dancing: The Limited Keepsake Edition DVD


Well, I unfortunately do not have a new blog to post for today and it is all the Grim Cheaper’s fault!  You see, on Christmas Eve morning he gifted me with an early Christmas present – the Blu-ray DVD of Dirty Dancing: The Limited Keepsake Edition, which contains hours upon hours of extras including a feature devoted to all of the locations used in the film.  As you can probably imagine, I just about died upon opening it and spent that entire day watching the special features and therefore did not have time to write a new post for today.  I did find out a huge amount of Dirty Dancing location information from it, though, and now know where pretty much every single scene in the movie was filmed.  And you know what that means!  Oh yes, the Grim Cheaper and I will be taking a trip to Pembroke, Virginia and Lake Lure, North Carolina to stalk all of the DD locales in the very near future!  For those who are wondering, the majority of the Kellerman hotel scenes – including Baby’s cabin, the dining hall where the family eats, the gazebo where she takes her first dance lesson and gets partnered up with Mrs. Shumaker, and the kitchen where Penny was found crying – can all be found at the Mountain Lodge Hotel in Pembroke, West Virginia.  The hotel even offers a Dirty Dancing tour in which guests stalk each and every location featured in the movie and also get to reenact scenes while there!  So incredibly cool!  All of the staff-type scenes – including the dance hall segments, the rehearsal scenes, and the staff cabin scenes – were filmed at the now-defunct Chimney Rock Boys Camp in Lake Lure, North Carolina.  Sadly, most of the Lake Lure locations were either demolished shortly after the movie was filmed or destroyed in a fire a few years later, but Baby’s steps remain and it is those steps that I am longing to see more than anything else!  But, until I actually get out there, I offer this AMAZING link of photographs taken by a woman and her husband who somehow managed to pinpoint the exact spots where filming at Lake Lure took place.  I seriously think that woman might just be my new best friend!  Smile 


If you are at all a fan of Dirty Dancing, I honestly cannot recommend enough picking up your own copy of the Limited Keepsake Edition DVD!  Other special features include two commentaries, some original screen tests, numerous cast interviews, deleted scenes, extended scenes, alternate scenes, a trivia reel, a making-of featurette, and an outtakes reel (which is actually the only disappointing extra on the entire DVD as the segment only lasts about 30 seconds).  The edition also includes a keepsake book about the movie AND, best of all, a $50 coupon to stay at the Mountain Lake Hotel.  LOVE IT!   Smile 

Anyway, I promise to be back tomorrow with a whole new post, so, until that time, Happy Stalking!  Smile


9 responses to “Dirty Dancing: The Limited Keepsake Edition DVD”

  1. Katie Avatar

    I live in NC and I actually got to see some of the filming locations in Lake Lure before everything was torn down. The only pictures I know I have are of me and my cousin standing on the bridge in front of Baby’s steps. I can email them to you if you would like to see what it looked like circa 1992. That was before they tore down the staff cabins and Johnny’s cabin. We actually went up to the staff dance hall and tried to open the doors with our butts like Baby did in the movie when she was carrying the watermelon. Lol! I believe the dining hall was still there too and the white practice dance hall where they did the Love is Strange scenes. I hate that I don’t have more pictures of it!!

    1. Lindsay Avatar

      OMG YES PLEASE! I would LOVE to see them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Jessica Avatar

    Love Love Love !! I will sooooo be looking forward to this post !! I actually left you a question about a Dirty Dancing location a while back. Lol. This is my favorite movie EVER !!

    1. Lindsay Avatar

      I saw that and unfortunately the log and field/lift scenes are the ONLY two locations that they do not talk about in the locations featurette OR in either of the DVD commentaries! So annoying! I am fairly certain that the log scene was shot in North Carolina, as 90% of the movie was filmed there, but I need to do a bit more research to pinpoint the exact location. Hopefully I’ll be able to track it down for you. 🙂

      1. Jessica Avatar

        I would be soooo very elated !! As I will when you post about Dirty Dancing period. Lol. I am absolutely in love with that movie. I love all your posts. You are amazing at what you do. You inspired me to do a mini-stalk of my own. Lol. The house from the movie “Steel Magnolias” It is amazing to stand there in a piece of movie history where all these stars have been. Remembering certain bits and pieces of the movie playing in the back of your mind. I hope you are able to find out about the log scene. How incredibly wonderful would it be if the log were still there. The lift scenes were in Lake Lure in an area thats now Firefly Cove. Alot of the green on the leaves had to be spray painted green to look like summer bc a lot of the movie was actually shot in the fall and the leaves had started to change colors. Let me know if theres any info I can help with. 🙂

  3. April Avatar

    Lindsay, where did the GC purchase this awesome gift? I want to get one too!! I ♥ DD 🙂

    1. Lindsay Avatar

      You can get it at Target or at Amazon here.

      1. April Avatar

        I ordered it this morning from Amazon 🙂 So excited!! My all time fave movie 🙂

  4. Lavonna Avatar

    I’ll be using the $50 coupon for a little road trip!

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