The Parking Garage from “Twins”


Last weekend, I dragged the Grim Cheaper out to the city of Glendale to do some stalking of the historic Alex Theatre, where the cast of Glee was recently spotted doing some filming for this year’s “Sectionals” episode which is set to air on December 7th.  After finishing up at the theatre (which I will be blogging about after the episode of Glee premieres), we headed a few blocks up the street to stalk the parking garage where Al Greco (aka a very young David Caruso) worked in the 1988 movie Twins.  And I have to say that in all of my years of stalking, this one was actually a first for me because, while I’ve stalked a parking lot before, never in my life have I actually stalked a garage.  And while it might seem a bit odd to all of my fellow stalkers out there that I would even want to stalk a parking structure in the first place, my reason for doing so was two-fold.  First, the garage was a fairly prominent location in Twins and quite a few segments were filmed there, but more importantly it was where all of my man David Caruso’s scenes were filmed, and because the actor has got to be THE nicest celebrity that I’ve ever met in my entire life, I was dying to stalk the place where he filmed one of his very first movies.  I found this location thanks to fellow stalker Gary, from the Seeing Stars website, who actually tracked the place down for fellow stalker Chas, from ItsFilmedThere, who had been searching for it for quite some time.  So, thank you, Gary!

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In Twins, Vincent Benedict (aka Danny DeVito) frequents the supposed airport parking garage where his buddy Al works in order to steal high end cars which he then subsequently sells on the black market.  Towards the beginning of the movie, Vincent inadvertently makes off with a Cadillac carrying a very valuable stolen fuel injector prototype that he then decides to deliver to an industrialist in Houston who has offered to pay him $5,000,000 for it.  The movie’s storyline takes off from there.

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And I am very happy to report that the parking garage looks EXACTLY the same today as it did 22 years ago when Twins was filmed.  I guess if I were to think about it, though, how much could a parking garage really change over the years, even in more than two decades time, but I was still pleasantly surprised and grateful, nonetheless.

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The guard shack is the only part of the structure that has been altered since filming took place back in 1988.  At the time of the filming, it was located outside of the garage, but it has since been moved a few feet backwards.



Big THANK YOU to Gary, from Seeing Stars, for finding this location and to fellow stalker Chas from ItsFilmedThere who asked for his help in doing so!  Smile

Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

Twins Parking Garage

Stalk It: The parking garage from Twins is located at 127 Burchett Street, off of North Brand Boulevard in between Goode and Arden Avenues, in Glendale.  The area used in the movie is denoted with a pink arrow in the above aerial view.


2 responses to “The Parking Garage from “Twins””

  1. Katherine Avatar

    I recognized this location as soon as I saw the picture as I work right across the street. FYI, the Alex Theater was the location for the first “American Idol” Hollywood week. The kids all stayed in the Glendale Hilton and were bussed down the street to the Alex.

  2. Lavonna Avatar

    FUNNY..I didn’t realize David Caruso was in Twins!

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