Scranton Business Park from”The Office”


The one filming location that fellow stalker Lavonna was absolutely NOT getting on a plane back to Cincinnati without stalking last week was the Van Nuys building which stands in for Scranton Business Park, where the Pennsylvania branch of Dunder Mifflin, Inc. Paper Company is located, each week on the hit television series The Office.  And, even though, I have yet to watch even one episode of the show, because I know how popular The Office is with my fellow stalkers, I jumped at the chance to tag along with her to see the location for myself.  I should explain here that Lavonna is an absolute MASTER STALKER!  Honestly, Lindsay Blake has got nothing on her!  In fact, she’s even taught me a thing or two!  Lavonna comes out to Hollywood at least once a year for a stalking vacation and her trips are centered solely around visiting filming locations, touring movie studios, and attending television and talk show tapings.  A typical L.A. vacation day for her begins at around 8 a.m. with the taping of a television show, which is followed up with the taping of yet another show at around 2 p.m., with a few stops in between at various filming locations and movie studios.  She starts stalking at the crack of dawn and doesn’t stop until night falls.  A woman after my own heart, I swear!  She really should be a Hollywood travel agent, cause, let me tell you, she knows how to do this city right!  🙂 


Back in January, Lavonna posted a challenge on my site asking readers to track down the Scranton Business Park building where Dwight (aka Rainn Wilson), Jim (aka John Krasinksi) and Pam (aka Jenna Fischer) report to  work each morning.   And, lo and behold, just a few days later, a fellow stalker identifying himself as “Snidley Whiplash” – which just so happens to be the name of the villain in the Dudley Do-Right cartoon series – responded with a list of numerous Office locations, including the building Lavonna so badly wanted to see.  As it turns out the building is actually a part of Chandler Valley Center Studios, the very studio where The Office is filmed.  So, bright and early this past Friday morning, Lavonna, her daughter, Melissa, her friend, Debbie, and I headed out to Van Nuys to do a little “Scranton” stalking.  Randomly enough, a few fellow stalkers had actually emailed me prior to Lavonna’s visit to let me know about their experiences stalking The Office set.  Most of them had been extremely lucky during their stalk and not only met some of the cast members, but got to take photographs with them, as well.  I was hoping we might have the same sort of luck, but, sadly, the series’ had wrapped its Sixth Season two weeks prior and no cast member were on the lot while we were there.  🙁





There was a security guard on duty manning the front gate while we were there, though, and she TRULY could NOT have been nicer to us!  Not only did she let us take all of the pictures of the studio that we wanted, but she also spent a good twenty minutes speaking with us and answering all of our silly questions about the cast and the filming of The Office.  And, best of all, she even pointed us in the direction of the bar/arcade which appeared in the Season 6 episode of the show entitled “Happy Hour”  – a location which Lavonna had feverishly been searching for before her visit.  But I’ll save that story for tomorrow’s post.  🙂  (Please excuse the craptastic screen captures pictured above – I downloaded one episode of The Office off of iTunes and, wouldn’t you know, it was an episode which only featured nighttime shots of Scranton Business Park.  Ugh!)




I had also heard from a few fellow stalkers that several “Dunder Mifflin, Inc.” and “Vance Refrigeration” signs were posted on the exterior of the Chandler Valley Center Studios building, but, sadly, they had all been removed two weeks prior when filming wrapped.  The only Office decor left over from the filming that we could see while we were stalking the place were the parking signs for Bob Vance(aka Robert R. Shafer), president of Vance Refrigeration, and Michael Scott (aka Steve Carell), regional manager of Dunder Mifflin, Inc. Paper Company.  And, even though I don’t watch the show, it was incredibly exciting to see those two signs!  I can’t tell you how cool I think it is that they are visible to the public!






When I told fellow stalker Owen about Friday’s Office stalking adventures, he sent me a bunch of photographs of the studio that he had taken back in September of 2008 while he was visiting the Los Angeles area with his brother.  As you can see in the above pictures, when the show is not on hiatus, the “Scranton Business Park” and “Dunder Mifflin, Inc.” signs are out in full force!  So darn cool!  I’m so going to have to go back to stalk the studio again once The Office starts filming next season!


Owen also snapped some pictures of Michael’s office window, which is shown quite frequently on the series . . .


. . . and Dwight’s Trans-Am, which he spotted right out in front of the Scranton Business Park building.

The interior of the Scranton Business Park building actually houses The Office production offices.  The soundstage where the interior Office scenes are filmed can be found directly next door and just due west of Scranton Business Park.


I honestly can’t recommend stalking Chandler Valley Center Studios enough!  I don’t even watch The Office and I was still incredibly excited to be seeing Scranton Business Park in person.  But what made our experience extra-special was the super friendly security guard.  I can’t tell you how much fun stalking can be when the people working on the set are nice!  Love it! 

Big THANK YOU to Owen for letting me post his Office stalking pictures on my site and to “Snidley Whiplash” for telling me the location of the Scranton Business Center!

Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂 

Stalk It: Scranton Business Park from The Office, aka Chandler Valley Center Studios, is located at 13927 Saticoy Street in Van Nuys.


17 responses to “Scranton Business Park from”The Office””

  1. Nanna Avatar

    Is Michael Scott’s office window the second one from the front door?

  2. Nick whalen Avatar
    Nick whalen

    Can you actually go see where they filmed? I’d love to take a trip and see the inside of the building

    1. Creed Avatar

      Its my wish to visit that place specially michael’s office and sitting on Oscar’s seat where Kevin is just sitting 2 steps from you 😀
      Life time wish that is!

  3. Lauryn Avatar

    Dumb question but does anyone know how they add the snow?… when they do exterior shots of the building in the winter (like when it was snowing and Michael left his top down and we watched him scoop the snow out of his car in “The Return”). Is it actually fake snow or do they computer generate it?

    1. Jenni Avatar

      They bring in “snow” machines. They’ve used a few different types over the seasons, but the one that was used the most was a soap-based “snow”.

  4. […] of a soundstage, I always assumed that said office was at Chandler Valley Center Studios (which I blogged about here) on Saticoy Street in Van Nuys.  I was […]

  5. […] of Chandler Valley Center Studios, where The Office is filmed. You can read my post on the location here. Chandler Valley Center Studios is located at 13927 Saticoy Street in Van […]

  6. […] in the Season 3 episode of fave show The Office titled “Women’s Appreciation”.  Because the series is taped in Van Nuys, I figured that the mall was located somewhere in the San Fernando Valley, so whenever the Grim […]

  7. Tori Avatar

    Let me say thank you thank you thank you for your website. I love The Office and it is so freakin cool to see real pictures of these places. Keep stalking. You and your team are amazing. Thank you. 🙂


  8. […] I had an inkling that the eatery was most likely located somewhere in the Van Nuys area, near Chandler Valley Center Studios where the series is lensed, so one of my first lines of attack was to do a Google search for the […]

  9. […] which appear on the show can be found right here in Los Angeles, just about ten miles away from Chandler Valley Studios where the series is taped.  I am ashamed to admit that I spent more than a few hours online trying […]

  10. […] though, Owen, acting on a tip from a fellow stalker, started searching the neighborhood surrounding the studio where The Office is filmed and found the house a mere two miles away.  […]

  11. […] Scranton Business Park from”The Office” The one filming location that fellow stalker Lavonna was… […]

  12. Ashley Avatar

    Yay! The Office is one of my fave shows, and the building/parking lot are so instantly recognizable. Love this!

  13. David Crocker Avatar
    David Crocker

    Couple of tidbits about your stalk today. The building you showed is the exterior of the Dundler Mifflin building, but the interiors are all filmed in the building directly right of the one you showed in the pics. Regarding Michael Scott’s window….the exterior you show is in fact his window….but the interior of his office is done in the building to the right, as well, with a fake backdrop. We watched the entire series commentary last year and this is described in great detail.

    Here’s something cool about that: the interior of Michael Scott’s window is actually an office of one of the producers. Whenever they film a scene with one (or sometimes all) of the cast looking out Michael’s window on live activity in the parking lot, it’s filmed using the producers office. Otherwise, it’s all done at ground level in the building to the right.

    They have used some interiors of the building you show, but only very rarely. I suspect that the Michael Scott paper company may be one of those locales, but I’m not certain. According to the DVD, even the elevator shown on the show is fake, although the way the show looks when it airs you would be absolutely convinced that their using the real interiors of the building you show.

    1. Lindsay Avatar

      Thanks for clarifying this! My brain was absolutely fried yesterday while writing this. I just added a paragraph to make it a little bit clearer in my actual post. 🙂

  14. Lavonna Avatar

    Trying to plan another trip out to stalk the site while they are filming! SOOO much fun! Finding the Happy Hour spot..too exciting! Can’t wait for next post!

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