Taking a Break . . .


Unfortunately, I have no blog to publish today.  🙁  I had to rush my dad to the emergency room bright and early yesterday morning and wound up spending the entire day and most of the night with him in the hospital.  Which normally wouldn’t have precluded me from writing a post, but for some inexplicable reason I was unable to get online at any point yesterday!!!  Pictured above is pretty much exactly what I looked like at, oh, around 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon.  Supposedly all of Downtown Los Angeles is blanketed with free wireless internet access – except, of course, for the one square block where Good Samaritan Hospital is located.  So annoying!  And my dad is fine – thanks for asking 🙂 – he is just on a lot of pain medication, which means that he slept pretty much the entire time I was there.  Would have been so nice to have had something to do during that time period . . . but such is life, I guess.  Anyway, even though my dad will be in the hospital for a few more days, I’ll be back tomorrow with a whole new blog post, thanks to my lovely fiancé who has now set up a way for me to write my blog while offline. 

So . . . until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂


7 responses to “Taking a Break . . .”

  1. Michael Eye Avatar
    Michael Eye

    Hope your dad is doing well, Lindsay! Thoughts and best wishes to you both. Love your posts……

  2. Cindy Avatar

    I am sorry to hear about your dad but so happy that he is doing alright now. What a great daughter to stay by his side. He will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. Barry Avatar

    Glad to hear your dad is doing fine. 🙂

  4. David Crocker Avatar
    David Crocker

    I’m so glad Lindsay’s dad is ok and will soon be going home. However, the Lindsay withdrawals I’m getting this morning might just put me in the hospital. What to do? Lindsay’s blog is part of my daily early morning internet crawl. Aaargh…..

  5. LuckaS Avatar

    Davidete is right – don’t worry about us. We love your posts, but your father’s healthy is more important.
    The picture is perfect 😀

  6. Davidete Avatar

    We all hope your father is doing fine asap, so don’t you worry about your blog and focus in your father, he needs you much more than us right now, and think that all L.A. locations will be there forever!

    Give him best wishes from Spain! (through our particular volcano cloud :S)

  7. Lavonna Avatar

    Aww my first day back in office was looking forward to reading your blog…but glad you dad is doing ok:) I’ll have to wait until tomorrow! Hopefully our Happy Hour Party episode will be your blog soon..good fun!

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