One location that I have been begging fellow stalker Chas to find for what seems like months now is the “Chinese Foooood” restaurant from the 2000 movie Dude, Where’s My Car? As I’ve mentioned in the past, Dude is one of my very favorite comedies and a few years back my best friend Robin and I pretty much spent every night of an entire two week period doing nothing but watching and re-watching the flick over and over again. We simply could not get enough of it! Our absolute favorite scene, hands down, had to be the scene in which bonehead best friends Jesse Montgomery III (aka Ashton Kutcher) and Chester Greenburg (aka Seann William Scott) visit the drive-though window of a Chinese food restaurant only to find that the woman working there cannot stop saying the words, “And then? And then? And then?” LOL LOVE IT! So, last week, when Chas told me that he was finally going to put his proverbial nose to the grindstone to try to track down the restaurant for me, I just about died of excitement. I had actually spent quite a bit of time looking for this location in the Pasadena area, as I was convinced it was located somewhere along the famous Colorado Boulevard. Turns out, I was searching a few miles too far to the east, though, as Chas later informed me. Thankfully, early on in Chas’ quest, fellow stalker Gary, from fave website Seeing Stars, pointed him in the direction of this website written by an actor named Geoffrey Gould, who had actually worked as an extra in the Dude, Where’s My Car? Chinese food scene! Talk about serendipity! On his website, Geoffrey mentioned that the restaurant was located “at Victory near Hollywood Way” in Burbank. Well, Chas got to googling and found the drive-through almost immediately. YAY! So, this past weekend I dragged my fiancé out to finally, finally do some Chinese Foooood stalking!
In real life, the Chinese Foooood place is not actually a drive-through at all, but a tiny little restaurant named Steve’s Burgers.
And because Steve’s is a burger joint and not a Chinese food restaurant, it looks quite a bit different in person than how it was portrayed in the movie. Missing in real life, of course, is the Asian-inspired decor and Oriental-style flared roof that appeared in Dude, Where’s My Car?, all of which I am fairly certain were just decorations that were added for the filming. Despite the lack of Asian decor and a slight change in paint color, though, the restaurant is still VERY recognizable from the movie. And let me tell you, while it may sound silly, I could NOT have been more excited to be seeing the place in person!
And I was absolutely floored to discover that while Steve’s serves up mostly All-American fare, there were a few Chinese food items featured on the menu, as well! LOVE IT! For the record, Steve’s also serves a bit of Mexican food. It’s a whole smorgasbord of options!
And, as you can see in the above photograph and screen captures, the painted-on window signs that were featured in Dude are still there to this day – over an entire decade later – and still look pretty much exactly the same as they did in the movie! LOVE IT!
Unfortunately, Steve’s was already closed by the time we showed up to stalk the place so we couldn’t sample any of their food. 🙁 But I guess that just means I’ll have to re-stalk the place again sometime soon! 🙂
The Dude, Where’s My Car? restaurant scenes were filmed both on the west side and in the back of Steve’s Burgers, the latter being where the fake drive-through menu and speaker box were added for the filming. As you can see in the above photographs, that drive-through area doesn’t actually exist. 🙁
Steve’s Burgers first shows up in the very beginning of Dude, Where’s My Car, in the scene in which Jesse and Chester visit a restaurant called “Chinese Foooood” for lunch. While Jesse is ordering, the woman working the drive-through window continually asks him, “And then? And then? And then?” to which he finally says, “AND THEN . . . I’m gonna come in there and I’m gonna put my foot in your a** if you say ‘and then’ again!” The Chinese Foooood lady of course responds with, “And then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then?” LOL
Jesse then proceeds to absolutely destroy the drive-through box.
The restaurant later shows up towards the end of the flick in the scene in which Jesse and Chester drop the “Nordic Dudes” off at the Chinese Foooood place after telling them that the drive-through lady knows where the “Continuum Transfunctioner” can be found. I know, I know, the whole thing sounds pretty darn stupid, but trust me, it’s hilarious! You can watch the Chinese Foooood restaurant scene here.
A big THANK YOU to Chas for finding this location! 🙂
Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂
Stalk It: Steve’s Burgers, aka the Chinese Foooood drive-through from Dude, Where’s My Car?, is located at 2320 West Victory Boulevard in Burbank. Steve’s is open Monday through Saturday, but is closed on Sundays.
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