Vincent Price in Thriller


At the risk of this site dwelling far too excessively on the recent sad passing of pop star Michael Jackson, I just had to write one more blog post about him.  Or, rather, about his legendary music video Thriller and one of its main filming locations.


I received an email last night with the above photograph attached from fellow stalker Marlon, who happened to be driving by the Palace Theatre in Downtown Los Angeles and noticed the words “Michael Jackson Starring in Thriller” posted on the marquee.  It seems that in honor of MJ’s passing, the historic theatre restored its marquee to how it appeared in the iconic music video that was filmed there just over twenty-six years ago.  Well, sort of.  What the Palace marquee actually spelled out in the Thriller  video were the words “Vincent Price Thriller” – Vincent Price, of course, being the notable horror film actor who lent his voice to the rap portion of Michael’s famous song.  Maybe someone over at the Palace should have watched the video before restoring the marquee!  Sheesh!   You know, if they had me on staff they would have gotten it right.  🙂  Anyway, let me tell you that after seeing Marlon’s photograph I just about died!!!   And, even though it was about 11 O’clock at night, I begged my fiance to run me right over there to see the marquee for myself.  He, of course, denied that request, so I had to wait until this morning to make the trek out to Downtown Los Angeles.



Apparently, though, another fastidious MJ fan had informed the Palace of their marquee faux-pas, because by the time I got there they had fixed the wording to read “Vincent Price in Thriller”.  Now, I don’t mean to be nit-picky or anything, but for the record in the video there was no “in” written on the marquee.  It simply stated “Vincent Price Thriller”, but I guess I have to just let that one slide.   🙂  Extraneous “in” or not, I was still SO excited to see that marquee in person!  For a filming locations buff and huge MJ fan, seeing the Palace marquee brought back to the way it was when Thriller was filmed was . . . well, a thrill!  🙂  I could not have been more excited!  And what an amazing tribute to Michael!


The Los Angeles Theatre, which did not have a cameo in the Thriller video, but is located right across the street from the Palace, also put up a marquee memorial to Michael.




While stalking the Palace, I managed to snap some photographs of its beautiful Florentine Renaissance style entrance.  The theatre’s antique ticket booth, which can be seen in the background of Thriller, has sadly since been removed, but you can see some great photographs of it here.


According to fellow stalker and the author of one of my very favorite stalking books, Harry Medved, the loft area of the Palace was used as Christian Bale’s magic workshop in 2006’s The Prestige and as Jeff Bridge’s art studio in 1998’s The Big Lebowski  and the theatre’s back door was used as the entrance to Club Silencio in David Lynch’s oddball movie Mullholland Drive.  To learn more about the Palace and its nearly one hundred year history, you can check out the post I wrote about it last October here.

Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

Stalk It: The Palace Theatre is located at 630 South Broadway in Downtown Los Angeles.  The theatre is currently closed to the public, but you can certainly stalk its exterior.  I am not sure how long the Michael Jackson memorial marquee will be left up, but in this stalker’s opinion it should remain there forever.  🙂


10 responses to “Vincent Price in Thriller”

  1. romina Avatar

    beautiful images

  2. Mia Avatar

    I’m thinking this may give your fiance nightmares…



    1. Lindsay Avatar

      Hi Mia,
      OMG you have no idea how badly I want to do that at my wedding! My friends and I tried to learn the dance but it was way too hard. So, we’re planning something very similar, but a bit easier, for my wedding instead. 🙂
      Happy Stalking :),

  3. JC Avatar

    does anyone know if this is still up? coming to LA in November and want to visit FOR SURE!!!

  4. Daniel Avatar

    I just drove by there, it’s still up

  5. amanda Avatar

    I just went today, they took off IN and nows its like the video LOL…..

    1. Lindsay Avatar

      LOL 🙂 That is too funny!!!!

  6. […] seen Rod Temperton? • Michael Jackson’s Thriller: 28 Million Views Since His Death • Vincent Price in Thriller • Michael Jackson’s Thriller video free for today on Live [Update] • Michael Jackson […]

  7. Malinda Avatar

    It looks like that is the same store next door to the palace as in the video. All I can make out in the video is the word “Jewelry” which appears in the picture for present time. SO neat!! And your not overdoing it. It is still stalking after all.

  8. * April * Avatar
    * April *

    You are so lucky all the time!! How do u do it? lol … I am thisclose to convincing my husband to take me to Neverland this weekend (w/the pretext of wanting to visit the Santa Barbara Mission) and now I am telling him about the Palace theatre 🙂 … It will be an MJ weekend after all 🙂 Have a nice weekend!!

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