The Blast from the Past House

UPDATE: Just a quick note to let all of you stalkers out there know that tonight at 11 p.m. PST I will be interviewed by radio host Peter Anthony Holder for his talk show Holder Tonight on Montreal’s number one English talk station, CJAD, and on their sister station CFRB, which is the number one talk station in Toronto!  🙂  Those of you who want to listen in to a live stream can do so at or   The live stream link for both stations is located on the upper left hand side of their homepage.  Then tomorrow morning Kelly Green, from Tensessee’s The Farm 100.9, will be interviewing me at 7:20 a.m., but unfortunately it doesn’t look like that station has streaming audio.  🙁   Hopefully they will put the interview in the archive section of their website, though, and I’ll be able to post a link.   Now on to the post!  🙂


A few weeks ago, I dragged Mike, from MovieShotsLA, out to a location I have been meaning to stalk for quite a while now – Alicia Silverstone’s cute little craftsman house from the 1999 movie Blast from the Past.  I had actually been wanting to stalk the adorable house ever since I first saw the movie over ten years ago, but had no idea where it was located.  So, when I found out that Mike knew the address and had actually stalked the home several times previously, I begged him to take me there.  🙂



I am very happy to report that the house looks exactly the same in person as it did onscreen in Blast from the Past – right down to the little red car parked out front!  I’m not kidding – that red car really was parked out there while we were stalking the place!!!!  LOL LOL LOL  I was shocked to discover, though, that the Blast from the Past  house was located in Los Angeles, because, thanks to its Craftsman style architecture, it actually looks more like a Pasadena area home.  Even stranger still is the fact that in the beginning of the movie, when Brendan Fraser leaves his family’s bomb shelter, his mom tells him to seek out “a girl from Pasadena”, because she’s “always found girls from Pasadena to be a little bit nicer”.  🙂   So, basically, the Blast from the Past  location scouts went, not to Pasadena, but to Los Angeles to find a Pasadena style home to stand in for a Pasadena girl’s residence.  That’s Hollywood for you!  🙂  



The house, most notably the front door and front porch area, show up numerous times throughout the movie.


And it is on the street in front of the home that Brendan Fraser runs away from the County Family Services people . . .


. . . and crashes his rented meat truck into the County Family Service woman’s car.  LOL LOL LOL





I was shocked to discover, while doing research for this post, that the same home was also used in the 1974 movie Chinatown  as the house where the mysterious Katherine (Belinda Palmer) hides out.  It is amazing to me how similar the home still looks thirty-five years later!!  According to IMDB, the same house was also featured in the 2000 made-for-TV movie If These Walls Could Talk 2, but I haven’t been able to verify that.  I can say for certain, though, that it was not the main house used in the movie.

Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂


Stalk It: The Blast from the Past  house is located at 1972 Canyon Drive, just off of Franklin Avenue, in Los Angeles.


6 responses to “The Blast from the Past House”

  1. Jeff Avatar

    Also this house was seen in Chinatown, and filming today , Sept 29 2016, for an upcoming episode of Shameless

  2. […] area and unfortunately there isn’t all that much to see.  For fans of the movie, like me, I’d instead recommend stalking Alicia Silverstone’s adorable little house from the film.  […]

  3. Erin Avatar

    I absolutely love this movie! Thanks for the post.

  4. Virginie Avatar

    I’m just wondering : where is the chimney in the 2nd picture (screenshot from the movie)?

    1. Lindsay Avatar

      I was wondering the same thing! I don’t know why it’s not there. Strange!

    2. John Avatar

      Not only that…. the chimney on the house next door is gone too. You can see the brick work up the side of the next door neighbors house, but no chimney extends beyond the roof.

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