The National Lampoon’s Vacation House


And speaking of National Lampoon’s Vacation, last week fellow stalker Owen made it his mission to locate the Griswold home from the 1983 comedy flick.  Amazingly enough, he ended up finding the house pretty much right away!  For this particular movie location expenditure, Owen decided to “stalk outside the box”, so to speak, and started looking through Vacation’s IMDB message boards to see if they provided any clues as to the home’s locale.  He ran across a thread entitled “Griswold House 2008″ where, lo and behold, someone had actually posted recent pics of the home.   Owen ended up contacting the owner of those photos who told him that one evening, while stuck in traffic after attending a concert in Los Feliz, he happened to gaze to his left where he saw, and immediately recognized, the Griswold Family home.  How this guy recognized the house from a movie filmed way back in 1983 while not actively looking for it, is beyond me.  My hat is definitely off to him!!!!  🙂 






So, Owen did a little bit of digging and ended up finding the house, exactly where the man told him it would be – in the Los Feliz section of Los Angeles.  In reality, the home is a long way off from Chicago, Illinois, where the Grisworlds supposedly lived in Vacation.   🙂  I am happy to report that the house looks EXACTLY the same today as it did back in 1983 when the movie was filmed there.  Hallelujah!  🙂  It is absolutely AMAZING to me that in twenty-six years virtually nothing about the house has been changed.  


Well, except for one thing.  For some incredibly odd reason, the owners did make one major addition to the Griswold home.  Since the filming, a large fence which surrounds the perimeter of the property and blocks the view of the house from the street, has been added.  I wonder if the fence was installed to ward of potential stalkers, like myself.  😉  Either way, even with the addition of the fence, the home is still largely recognizable from the film.



Even the street out in front of the house, where we see Clark pull up in the Wagon Queen Family Truckster, seems to be exactly the same as it appeared in Vacation.

Big THANK YOU to Owen for finding this location!  🙂

Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

Stalk It: The National Lampoon’s Vacation  house is located at 2310 North Vermont Avenue in the Los Feliz area of Los Angeles.


13 responses to “The National Lampoon’s Vacation House”

  1. Jenny Reilly Avatar
    Jenny Reilly

    This house was also featured on the short lived tv show “The Brady’s” in 1990. The house was featured as Greg’s family house.

  2. […] The National Lampoon’s Vacation House | IAMNOTASTALKER […]

  3. […] The National Lampoon’s Vacation House | IAMNOTASTALKER […]

  4. […] The National Lampoon’s Vacation House | IAMNOTASTALKER […]

  5. […] The National Lampoon’s Vacation House | IAMNOTASTALKER […]

  6. […] The National Lampoon’s Vacation House | IAMNOTASTALKER […]

  7. Darrell James Avatar
    Darrell James

    Wow. So much fuss is made over the Griswold family home from CHRISTMAS vacation, (which is a fake home or “facade” at Warner Brothers “The Ranch” in Burbank, I completely forgot the family lived in a different home in the first Vacation film. NIce work!

  8. Hugo José Avatar
    Hugo José

    Adorei rever a casa dos Griswold. Na verdade queria mais informações sobre a mesma, tipo fotos do interior da casa e o que os donos acham de morar na casa onde foi gravado esse filme inesquecível.

    1. Laup Avatar

      Speak English!!

  9. Dino Avatar

    The Griswold house in NATIONAL LAMPOONS CHRISTMAS VACATION was filmed on the Warner Bros Ranch facility in Burbank CA. The house part of the permanent village sets on the ranch and still used on various projects.

  10. […] not kidding!!!!  I guess I truly am a blonde!  Ever since fellow stalker Owen tracked down the Griswold house from fave movie National Lampoon’s Vacation, I have wanted to find the mansion which stood in for Clark’s boss, Frank Shirley’s, […]

  11. steve Avatar

    awesome..another one for my list lol

  12. * April * Avatar
    * April *

    I just watched the movie last night and I want to go to the house now and the Santa Anita Race Track 🙂 Thanks for the info

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