The L.A. Confidential Liquor Store



Got an email a few weeks back from fellow stalker Tracey who gave me the address of a film location that Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and I had been trying to find for months – the liquor store from the 1997 movie L.A. Confidential!   Mike and I had known from doing some online research that the liquor store featured in the movie was not actually real.  Instead, producers had built a fake liquor store inside of a real storefront somewhere in the L.A. area.    According to this film locations book, that storefront was located somewhere on Larchmont Avenue, but as so often happens with location books, that information was not correct.  Mike and I had actually driven up and down Larchmont Avenue several times one  day looking for the storefront without any luck. We even stopped in and spoke with the editor of the Larchmont Chronicle to see if she knew where the filming of the liquor shop scenes had taken place.  LOL  It wasn’t long before we figured out that the L.A. Confidential  liquor store was not actually located on Larchmont Avenue and for a while the two of us put the liquor store quest on the back burner.


So you can imagine how excited I was to receive an email from one of my readers named Tracey, who, after several years of being on the prowl for the elusive liquor store, had finally located it!   Turns out she had taken a surface street to work one morning hoping to avoid freeway traffic and, lo and behold, drove right past the liquor store and recognized it immediately!  Yay!  It’s amazing how often that actually happens.  You spend hours upon hours seaching high and low for a location, only to randomly drive by it one day.  In this city, you’ve just gotta keep your eyes open!  🙂  In real life the L.A. Confidential  liquor store is a furniture repair store named Ramon’s Cane Shop.  And it looks like it has been around forever.  (In the above photo I am actually standing in front of the wrong storefront.  I’m such a blond!  Although in real life both storefronts are occupied by Ramon’s Cane Shop, in L.A. Confidential only the middle storefront was used.)



The liquor store shows up twice in L.A. Confidential.   It is first featured in the scene when Bud White, while picking up some liquor for a Christmas party, first lays eyes on Veronica Lake lookalike Lynn Bracken.




After leaving the liquor store, Bud spots Pierce Patchett’s car with what appears to be a very beat up Susan Lefferts inside.  A brief fight ensues before Lynn Bracken walks outside and explains that all is not as it seems.  In the scene, Pierce’s car was parked in the driveway of a parking lot located just to the left of Ramon’s Cane Shop.


The liquor store pops up once again a bit later on in the movie, when Bud White stops by to try to dig up some information on Lynn Bracken.


I must say it was VERY cool to be stalking the L.A. Confidential  liquor store, especially since – aside from the fact that it’s not really a liquor store – it looks pretty much exactly the same as it did onscreen.  Sadly, though, the shop was closed when we were stalking it, and since the windows were completely covered, I didn’t get to peek inside.  Looks like I’ll have to take another stalking trip out there!!  Big, big THANK YOU to Tracey for tipping me off to this location.  🙂


Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

Stalk It: The L.A. Confidential  liquor store, aka Ramon’s Cane Shop, is located at 1279 South Cochran Avenue in Los Angeles.  The area where Pierce Patchett’s car was parked when Bud White confronts him is located just to the left of the cane shop.


5 responses to “The L.A. Confidential Liquor Store”

  1. Bret Mannon Avatar
    Bret Mannon

    The L.A. Confidential DVD stated the site of Nick’s Liquor was on Larchmont south of Melrose. I haven’t lived in L.A. since I was eight years old in 1962. My piano teacher was on Larchmont. I have been using this little bit of “name dropping” trivia connecting L.A. Confidential and my piano lessons for years. OOPS! Surprise! My little story has blown up. Oh well, I can still mention that Lynn Bracken’s house is just a couple blocks west of Larchmont.

  2. […] L.A. Confidential liquor store is actually on South Cochran Avenue.  You can read my post on it here.)  During the hunt, we spent hours driving back and forth down Larchmont looking for the store’s […]

  3. WispyTheFox Avatar

    😀 Hurray! To me and my brother never knew my dad’s fixing chair’s shop was an idea for the movie.
    still… hurray! but yeah, that is my dad’s shop. the one you were standing next to 🙂

    1. Mike Avatar

      Was there anything left over in the store from the movie filming?

  4. Erin Avatar

    Thanks Lindsay – I love the L.A Confidential locations!

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