The Video Store from “Scream”

On a recommendation from E.J. over at The Movieland Directory, I recently purchased a GREAT book called “The Worldwide Guide to Movie Locations“. I was completely floored to discover an entire section in the book dedicated to one of my favorite movies of all time – a little horror flick called Scream. Now, while I have admitted before that I was always too much of a scaredy cat to watch horror movies, Scream came out when I was in college, so I was pretty much past my scaredy cat stage by then. Scream was actually the very first scary movie I ever watched and I have to admit that I became a bit obsessed with it. The majority of Scream was filmed on location in Northern California and I actually stalked a few of the filming sites many, many years ago. But my new book listed some locations that I previously hadn’t known about. I usually don’t like to blog about locations that I haven’t visited myself, but since I don’t live in Northern California anymore, I enlisted my Aunt Lea to do some Scream stalking for me. Her first assignment – to stalk the video store where the movie-obsessed character of Randy works.

In real life the video store is called Bradley Video and it was was featured in only one scene in Scream as the location where all the high school kids rent scary movies after school is shut down for the day. In Scream, only the interior of Randy’s video store is shown and I actually had to send my aunt back to Bradley’s to stalk it a second time as the first time she didn’t get any interior shots. LOL Ah, the thing’s we’ll do for family! It was at Bradley’s Video that Randy, while talking about Sidney’s dad, tells Stu about the formula of scary movies. He says, “His body will come popping up in the last reel somewhere. Eyes gouged out, fingers cut off, teeth knocked out! See, the police are always off track with this shit! If they’d watch Prom Night, they’d save time! There’s a formula to it. A very simple formula! Everybody’s a suspect!” This conversation is shown in the above screen captures.

A BIG THANK YOU to my Aunt Lea for stalking this location for me.

Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

Stalk It: Bradley Video is located at 3080 Marlow Road in Santa Rosa, California.


24 responses to “The Video Store from “Scream””

  1. […] big thank you to I Am Not A Stalker for the image of Bradley […]

  2. Kevin Avatar

    I keep looking for this place (Randy’s video store) all over Google Maps and it’s nowhere. I know that the video store is no longer in business, but I still would like to stop by the place now just to check it out. If anybody could please email me and give me some more info and details about this place, man it would be greatly appreciated!

    1. Chris Avatar

      Hey Kevin, this is Chris, I used to live there, actually down the street from that video store. It’s closed now (really sucks, but that’s the way they’re all going) and I haven’t been back in a long time but there’s a reason why you can’t see it from Google maps – it’s a little Mini-Mall. In front of the place is a parking lot, not a street, so you really can’t get a good angle on it. I did a Google street view on it, so if I can paste in this link it will appear here:,-122.750057,3a,15y,167.83h,87.89t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sA8c5kLsE28tsRpbGzZglUg!2e0

      In the street view there should be a building dead center in the window. It’s part of the same building with a Rosewood something (used to be a dentist’s office) sign above the door. That building has what looks like a for sale or lease sticker in the window – this is the NORTH side of the building. The last photo above has a striped awning – that WAS on the west side of the building, but the awning is gone now. In the street view link you’ll see two squared off bushes – you’ll see the same ones in the last photo above. That’s where the entrance is. You can’t get a decent angle on it – maybe you could try Google Earth, I think the new version has a time machine feature where you can step back to previous passes, try using that to get the awning back, that should be a dead giveaway. Hope that helps, let me know if you can make it out or if you have any issues, I’ll turn on email updates! 🙂

  3. Alex Avatar

    I wish more imagens of Sidney’s house in scream, please !! I love it

  4. Deanna Avatar

    Hi, Lindsay …. I just wanted to add Casey Becker’s House in Scream…I’m pretty sure it’s 7420 Sonoma Mountain Rd, Glen Ellen…What do you think? It matches up to what is in the movie….P.S Huge fan of I am not a Stalker

    1. Deanna Avatar

      Just to be more specific it’s to the north of that location, surrounded by a lot of trees, down a
      long straight drive way off sonoma mountain rd tnx

    2. Ashley Avatar

      Deanna – good job, you’re right. It took me a lot of time & research to finally pin down the exact address and that’s the one I got.

      1. Lindsay Avatar

        Nice job, you guys! That is TOTALLY the house! Such a bummer, though, as it looks as if it is really far back from the street. I don’t think it’s visible from the road. UGH! 🙁

    3. tez tasker Avatar

      hey deanna it is 7597 sonoma mountain rd glen ellen i past it a couple of hours ago im on holls so mi mam likes scream and i do so thought we have a look round

      1. tez tasker Avatar

        thats the address what it sed

  5. Emily Avatar

    Ahh I am glad I found this site! I too was fairly obsessed with Scream (throughout my adolescence) and that obsession was recently renewed when the boyfriend and I got the opportunity to visit San Francisco this month (my first time in California). Of course I did mad research and dragged him out to Sonoma county for a day of Scream location stalking via Zipcar.

    We went to the Sonoma Community Center (Woodsboro High), Pacific Market (I too had to sleuth out that it used to be Town & Country Market), Tatum’s house (on McDonald Avenue in Santa Rosa), Stu’s house in Tomales (right across from the High School there on Tomales-Petaluma Road), and tried fruitlessly to find the other two houses (Becker and Prescott residences. We drove the entire length of Sonoma Mountain Road (with all its nauseating twists and turns) and still couldn’t find the first house (Becker house). Then, we drove up and down on Calistoga Road (where several websites reported Sidney’s house to be) and I believe I have come to the conclusion that the house isn’t on that road at all but maybe off of one of the side streets/private drives that branch from that road. On a side note, there are a ton of gated private roads around there; it’s very frustrating. We didn’t explore too many side roads because we were due to start being charged per mile soon (blasted Zipcar) and still had other places to go, but I was so mad I couldn’t find those houses. They were my favorites!

    Now I’m back home and it’s killing me that I was that close to the houses but couldn’t find them, so I have been looking at street views and satellite views trying to figure out where those places were on the off-chance I’ll ever be out there again. If you guys find out anything I would love to hear about it.

    Happy hunting!

    1. Lindsay Avatar

      Hi Emily,
      Awww, I wish you had emailed me before your trip – I have all the Scream addresses! 🙁 Casey’s house is at either 7054 or 7060 Sonoma Mountain Road (I can’t quite tell on Google Maps) and Sydney’s house is at 1820 Calistoga Road. Hope you make it out that way again so you can stalk the houses. 🙂
      Happy Stalking :),

    2. Shane Avatar

      Sydney’s house about half way up the mountain, set off to the east side (if your coming from the city). All you can see from the road is the wooden gate (which is keyed). You must drive up the driveway (twists and turns) to get there. They are in the proccess of remodeling the residence however.

  6. J.D. Avatar

    I still cannot locate the exact addresses of the homes in Scream. I believe I’ve found the home in which the final scenes take place, but I cannot locate Sidney’s house from the beginning of the movie.

    The final scene house (right outside Tomales):,-122.897304&num=1&t=h&sll=38.246307,-122.905552&sspn=0.017527,0.032015&hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=38.236571,-122.895341&spn=0.006194,0.009645&z=17

    It’s also difficult to locate Drew Barrymore’s house from the opening scene. It’s supposedly somewhere along Sonoma Mountain Road, but Google maps’ street view doesn’t go up some of the streets.

    1. mike Avatar

      Thanks for stu’s house. Yeah I’ve been trying to locate Casey’s house also.

      1. Shane Avatar

        Casey’s house is tricky, the address’ provided her are inaccurate. Lindsey gaver 7054 Sonoma Mountain Road, which is incorrect, its actually more 7500 block. Its just just east of Enterprise / Sonoma Mountain, its basically the driveway east. It is gated, and it leads back through the vineyards, until reaching the residence. It’s inaccessible at this time. I was just out there within the hour. Additionally, If you goggle map Enterprise and Sonoma Mountain, you can locate it off to the north I believe from Sonoma Mountain. Also, Sidney’s house is the right address which was provided, however its behind a keyed gate. I’ve been there twice in my line of work and can say it looks almost identical. However, they are building on a garage and a second granny unit to the residence, its an amazing view!

        The market is still called the pacific market, its in the town and country part of Santa Rosa. It will sometimes be called town and country market, but locals know it as pacific market. Tatums house is on the corner of McDonald/14th Street, over than some bushes its almost identical! You can plainly see the place where Ghostface popped out of, and yes, I did take photos of myself there.

        I am going to try to figue out a way to get to Caseys house, I live in the area, so hopefully I can work it out. I’ll keep you guys updated, in the mean time i’ll liver you alone, get it, liver?

        1. Shane Avatar

          I believe the correct address is 7438 Sonoma Mountain Road, Santa Rosa, CA, or Glen Ellen, CA, you can pull it up on google maps, you can see that it leads back to the house.

          1. Lindsay Avatar

            The house at 7438 isn’t Casey’s house – the pool is too far away from the actual house. It doesn’t match up to what is shown in the movie. If you go to Bing Maps and search for “7054 Sonoma Mountain Road in Glen Ellen”, look to the northeast of the red dot. I think that’s the right house.

          2. Shane Avatar

            I believe we are talking about the same residence. The issue is, the address which is coming up via the maps is 7054 Sonoma Mountain Road, however, that isn’t how it’s labeled on the street. The county lots has it different, its just west of enterprise road. The county ran GPS via a Deputy Sheriff Patrol vehicle lists the actual address as 7400-7500. The google/bing address’ are not to scale. I was just out there this evening, confirming these findings. Essentially, the easiest way to locate it is to print out the map, which shows the residences location to enterprise and then go to enterprise and find it from there. The majority of the address’ are not marked well and mostly all are gated.

          3. Shane Avatar

            I think i’ve figured out the confusion, the addresses 7054 is actually the address which parrells the residence on Enterprise Rd. So I believe the address is going to be, 7438 Sonoma Mountain Road, which is parrell with 7054 Enterprise Rd.

          4. Paul Avatar

            Shane is definitely correct on this one!

          5. Corey Avatar

            7420 Sonoma mountain road

  7. […] a side note, my aunt told me this morning that Bradley Video, which was also featured in the movie Scream, just announced they are closing down.  🙁  How […]

  8. […] a side note, my aunt told me this morning that Bradley Video, which was also featured in the movie Scream, just announced they are closing down.  🙁  How […]

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