The Standard Hotel

My friend Stephanie, who is even more obsessed with Sex and the City than I am, has a birthday coming up this Friday, so I decided to do a little post today in her honor. In Stephanie’s favorite SATC episodes, entitled “Escape from New York” and “Sex in Another City”, Carrie and the Girls take a little vacay to the West Coast. While there, they stay at the uber-trendy Standard Hotel on the Sunset Strip, and it is that location that I set out to stalk yesterday. So Steffi – this one’s for you! 🙂

The Standard Hotel was featured prominently in both of the L.A. episodes of SATC. The Standard’s rooftop pool shows up in several scenes – most memorably it is the location where Carrie discusses a rather painful bikini wax.

The lobby area – complete with its live performance art – is also shown several times.

But most memorable for me is the scene that takes place at the hotel’s front entrance – when Carrie is reprimanded for smoking.

The Standard Hotel is an ultra-trendy, ultra-modern hot spot, with a huge celebrity following. Originally opened in 1999, with celeb investors such as Cameron Diaz and Leonardo DiCaprio (sigh!), the hotel was considered a less expensive alternative to the many other pricey West Hollywood hotels. The Standard is a truly unique hotel – it’s sort of like a W Hotel, only amplified to the power of a hundred. The Standard features ghost chairs and floor-to-wall-to-ceiling shag carpeting in the lobby, blue astro-turfed patios, live nude performance art showcased in a glass case behind the front desk, a roof-top pool/dessert bar, DJ’s spinning tunes nightly in the lobby, and, most famous of all, upside-down signage. The whole thing is not really my cup of tea, but if you are into modern decor and the avant-garde, I highly recommend stalking the place. Today there are four hotels in the Standard chain, with branches in Downtown L.A., Miami Beach and New York. The Downtown L.A. Standard was featured repeatedly in the 2005 movie Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.

BIG THANK YOU to Mike, over at MovieShotsLA, for sending me the above screen captures!!

Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

Stalk It: The Standard Hotel is located at 8300 Sunset Boulevard in West Hollywood. You can visit the hotel’s website here. A room there will run you $240 and up per night.


9 responses to “The Standard Hotel”

  1. […] en Nueva York decidieron escapar de la Gran Mazana hacia el oeste, se alojaron en el Standard. ¿Se acuerdan de Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker) mojando los pies en la piscina o fumando un cigarrillo …? Antes, el Standard (entonces el Golden Crest Hotel) hizo un pequeño cameo en Annie Hall, y […]

  2. […] sex in new york decided to escape from the Great Apple to the west, they stayed at the Standard. doThey remember Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker) dipping her feet in the pool or smoking a cigarette on a…? Earlier, the Standard (then the Golden Crest Hotel) made a small cameo in Annie Hall, and we can […]

  3. […] sex in new york decided to escape from the Great Apple to the west, they stayed at the Standard. doThey remember Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker) dipping her feet in the pool or smoking a cigarette on a…? Earlier, the Standard (then the Golden Crest Hotel) made a small cameo in Annie Hall, and we can […]

  4. Katja Avatar

    The scene where Carrie can’t drive the car properly is also shot just besides the Standard Hotel, at ca. 1422 N Sweetzer Ave. It is still much recognizable today: the bollards on the left side of the street… the street lamp in front of De Longpre Ave to the right… and the white/grey building (Brandon Plaza) on N Sweetzer Ave that can be seen in the background behind the car (though mostly hidden by trees today).

  5. Anthony Avatar

    Don’t forget – the movie ‘Crank’ was shot there. The shoot-out at the ending.

  6. YDLAFAMS Avatar

    I cannot wait for the New York location to open!

  7. YDLAFAMS Avatar

    I can’t wait for the Standard New York to open!

  8. don Avatar

    Happy birthday
    Don and Dodie

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