“I Choose Me”



Yesterday, fellow stalker Mike, from MovieShotsLA, and I took a little stalking adventure to the studio where the original 90210 series was filmed. Mike has been there several times and he was dying to show me the studio in person. I must say that being there and seeing the studio with my own two eyes brought out the high school girl in me – standing there looking at that familiar set, I truly felt like I had stepped back in time to my teenage years. 🙂 From the street outside of the studio, you can actually see the exterior of the former Peach Pit After Dark and it is still completely recognizable all these years later. While Mike and I were standing outside freaking out over seeing the Peach Pit in person, a security guard came over to us and asked if he could help us. We told him we were HUGE fans of 90210 and he said “Oh, the new series isn’t actually being filmed here.” LOL We had to explain that we were fans of the OLD 90210.



After getting the OK from his boss, the security guard was nice enough to LET US ON THE PROPERTY and take us on a mini-tour of the studio!!!!! I just about DIED! Although nothing really remains from the old days of 90210, it was still very exciting for me to be there. Just thinking that I was standing in the exact spot where Shannen, Luke, Jennie and Jason reported to work everyday was enough for this stalker! I think the security guards were quite amused at our excitement over being there because they kept saying “That show was filmed soooo long ago.” And yes, while 90210 went off the air almost a decade ago and while most people today could probably care less – LOL – for me the show is so embedded in my memories that it is like a piece of my childhood. So being there yesterday was like stepping back in time, returning to some familiar place, and I was just as excited to be there as I would have been if the show was still filming today. 🙂


Anyway, the security guards walked us through one of the soundstages where the sets for West Beverly High, the Peach Pit, and the Peach Pit After Dark used to be located. Right now the studio is being used for the TV show Swingtown, so those sets are currently set up on the former 90210 stages. BUT they still had some of the old lockers in the prop room left over from the 90210 days and the security guard took us to see those. They have been painted over and used for other productions, but I was still freaking out all the same. 🙂



A full-on back lot is now set up in what was formerly the parking lot for the stars of 90210. This exterior set was built for the TV series Jericho and is now being used in Swingtown. I have never seen either show, but it was still pretty fun to walk through the backlot.



The most exciting thing for both Mike and me to see was the exterior door to the Peach Pit After Dark, which is still standing at the studio today. It is currently covered up by the exterior of a church set that was used in Jericho, so you can no longer see the door from the street. But the security guards took us behind the church set to show us the door up close and personal. 🙂

I really wanted to get some screen captures of 90210 to put with today’s post, but would you believe that Target was completely sold out of Season 2 of the series??? Looks like I am going to have to order the DVDs on Amazon and post the screen captures later. 🙁 For those who remember the series well, the brick wall pictured in many of the above pictures was used throughout the ten year run of the series. It was used as the back of the Peach Pit in the Season 2 episode when Brenda is robbed while studying for finals at the Pit. In that episode, Brandon and Dylan go outside to take out the trash and it is that scene which features the brick wall. During the Emily Valentine Era, the brick wall was used as the both the location of the rave that the gang attends and also the location of the warehouse where Dylan takes Brandon to pick up his totaled Mustang the following morning. The brick wall was also the location of one of my favorite 90210 scenes ever – the scene when Kelly Taylor tells both Brandon and Dylan “I choose me.” LOL If you keep your eyes peeled during re-runs, you will notice the brick wall popping up repeatedly in Seasons 1 through 10.

Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

Stalk It: The former 90210 studios is located at 15001 Calvert Street in Van Nuys. As always, exercise caution and use common sense. I would not recommend asking for a tour of the studio unless you are with a group of people, as you can just never be too careful.


21 responses to ““I Choose Me””

  1. Rachel Avatar

    I too stumbled upon this site by accident and so glad I did! Im coming to LA in July from the UK and had a fleeting thought about swinging by the Walsh house for a photo as I still love the series to this day. Absoultely bursting with jealously you got to go inside, and a great site! Keep up the good work. Im def going to have to go to the house now, wish me luck persudaing my non 90210 friend Im going with!!
    Rachel xx

  2. William Jaworsky Avatar
    William Jaworsky

    I can’t believe I accidentally stumbled onto your blog/ site here tonight … I’ve been a huge BH90210 fan since it began and even watch it to this day on the Soap channel (M – F) …. Im 42 yrs old, so I don’t tell everybody my obsession with the show (it just brings me back) .. you forgot to mention the brick wall used for Steves ex-nemesis/college buddy’s memorial that overdosed in the after dark when Steve was a short lived pot head, Steve gave a great speech to a small crowd in morning after somebody left behind a bong, then Brandon handed Steve the dudes basketball jersey for their 3man team before the overdose happened … not sure if anybody will even see my comment, but I couldn’t resist as much as I have enjoy seeing all the pics and feedback you’ve provided … thank you for doing what you do, I’m definitely one more fan that appreciates your work =)

  3. […] Unfortunately, while the After Dark door – which, in reality, is one of the warehouse’s side doors – is typically visible from the street, it was covered over by a huge tower of wooden crates on the day that Mike and I stalked the place.  Its location is denoted with a pink arrow in the photograph below.  You can check out some pictures that I took of that door on my first visit to Calvert Studios – during…. […]

  4. Sarah Avatar

    Sadly the the studio is now gone and the building has been completely redone and painted over 🙁 But if you’re good, it’s still spottable at least!



  5. […] took the above photograph of the Peach Pit’s brick wall back in August of 2008 during Mike and my private tour of the former 90210 studio.   As you can see, it matches the brick wall pictured behind Lydia in the make-up trailer scene […]

  6. […] still can hardly believe this whole thing even happened!!  Mike and I seem to have a lot of luck when it comes to stalking 90210  locations, and I think I need to bring him with me on all of my stalking adventures from now […]

  7. […] It: Pat’s liquor store is located at 6202 Kester Avenue in Van Nuys.  The former 90210 studios are located just a few blocks away at 15001 Calvert […]

  8. […] Pruit’s house is located at 6628 Canteloupe Drive in Van Nuys.  Not far away are both the former 90210 production studios, located at 15001 Calvert Street, and the liquor store from the “U4EA” episode, […]

  9. […] Weblog Just another WordPress weblog « "I Choose Me" Spend the Night at Kelly and Donna’s Beach Apartment […]

  10. Johanne Avatar


  11. […] still can hardly believe this whole thing even happened!!  Mike and I seem to have a lot of luck when it comes to stalking 90210  locations, and I think I need to bring him with me on all of my stalking adventures from now on.  […]

  12. […] Pruit’s house is located at 6628 Canteloupe Drive in Van Nuys.  Not far away are both the former 90210 production studios, located at 15001 Calvert Street, and the liquor store from the “U4EA” episode, […]

  13. […] It: Pat’s liquor store is located at 6202 Kester Avenue in Van Nuys.  The former 90210 studios are located just a few blocks away at 15001 Calvert […]

  14. Tracey (New Zealand) Avatar
    Tracey (New Zealand)

    awesome work – damn id love to visit the set of BH90210..lucky girl!! Im 34….and was OBSESSED with this show too..

  15. Tracey (New Zealand) Avatar
    Tracey (New Zealand)

    DAMN this is awesome work. I’m a 34 year old NZ girl who never missed an episode of this show. LOVE all the locations you show us and share your excitment – you lucky girl.
    I came to the US last Xmas and visited the Beach Apartment, the Highschool and Donna’s Now Wear This Boutique on Melrose and took pics of them all.
    Curious to see the new show – but it wont be the same of course…
    PS – Did you see the footage on CBS earlier this week of Candy Spelling taking you through the Spelling Mansion that Tori grew up in? Let me know if you missed it and I can foward you the link.

  16. Amanda Avatar

    Wow, thank you so much for posting! I am a huge 90210 fan and I love seeing all of the filming locations. Please keep posting more!! 🙂

  17. James Avatar


    Thanks for putting this stuff up this is really cool. Do you know if they have a website to go see more info on this studio if you do could you email me this.

  18. Geoff Avatar


    You were actually just down the street from Andrea and Jesse’s apartment when you were at the studio. It is located on Kester Ave, between Burbank and Hatteras on the east side of the street. I have a link to google maps of it here, as well as numerous other 90210 locations if you want to stalk them:


    I don’t live in LA anymore, so I have no way of getting pics of the locations aside from the ones I already have.

  19. joaomc Avatar

    Your work is amazing,(thanks) for sharing your experience with us, we will see your website every day.,I ‘m a #1 fan of 90210 in Mexico.,and have the first five seasons in dvd., I have photos of the locations of the 90210, send me your mail ,and i can send a pictures , Thanks again, I would like to see pictures of Karate Kid

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