The Hills Update!

On tonight’s episode of The Hills, Lauren, Lo, and Audrina move into their new Hollywood digs. I stalked this location a while back and thought I’d re-post LC’s new address. You can read the full post here. 🙂

Until next time, Happy Stalking! 🙂

Stalk It: Lauren’s new house is located at 1627 N. Orange Grove Avenue in Hollywood.


2 responses to “The Hills Update!”

  1. Maxim Avatar

    Really Nice Blog! I was just looking on the internet for the location of Lauren´s house and i found this Blog. I am living in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and I will visit L.A. in July 2009.
    I am definetly going to see Laurens house, hopefully i will see her two. Is there also publishd information about Lauren´s spots like FIDM or clubs like Goa, Les Deux, S bar..?

  2. Samantha Avatar

    Last week’s show had lots of good shots of the house. So, LC bought the house and rents to Lo? And, she rents the guest house out to Audrina? Well, according to the previews for tonight’s show, it looks like Audrina won’t be staying there long. Damn, doesn’t it kill ya to see people this young buying a house like that? Oh, reality tv, what a payday! OR, hmmnnn, do you think that LC doesn’t really own it and maybe they bought or leased it just for the show? MTV and the producers probably thought the apartment was getting too boring to keep using.

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