The Huxtable’s House


I must be in a New York state of mind this week, because here I am yet again with another NYC filming location.  🙂  One of my very favorite blocks in all of Manhattan is called Saint Luke’s Place and it just happens to be the location of a famous brownstone from TV – the Huxtable Family’s house from The Cosby Show.  St. Luke’s Place consists of a one block section of Leroy Street in Greenwich Village that runs between Hudson Street and 7th Ave.  Most of the gorgeous row houses on the block were built in 1852.


I found this location in my go-to New York stalking book, which describes picturesque St. Luke’s Place as one of the most photographed blocks in Manhattan.  Once you visit St. Luke’s for yourself, you’ll understand why!  It is gorgeous, quaint, and evokes memories of old New York.  Even the antique mayoral lampposts flanking the former home of New York Mayor Jimmy Walker are still in use.  St. Luke’s Place has been used as a filming location for countless photo shoots, television commercials, TV shows and movies.  Many famous celebrities and artists have also called St. Luke’s their home at one time or another.

Sculptor and painter Theodore Roszak lived at 1 St. Luke’s Place, number 4 was used as Audrey Hepburn’s home in Wait Until Dark, and  Mayor Jimmy Walker lived at number 6 until 1932, when he was forced to resign his position due to corruption and scandal within his administration.  He eventually fled to Europe.  Winesburg, Ohio author Sherwood Anderson lived at number 12, Poet Marianne Moore resided at number 14, and An American Tragedy author Theodore Drieser called number 16 home.  For a short time, Will Smith lived at 13 Leroy St., just past where St. Luke’s Place ends.

Across the street from the row houses on St. Luke’s Place, you will find Walker Park, a small park frequented by Edgar Allen Poe in the 1830’s.  It was also used as a filming location in the movie Raging Bull.

I highly recommend taking a stroll down St. Luke’s Place while in New York, even if you are not a stalker.  The architecture and history should be compelling to stalkers and non-stalkers alike!

Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

Stalk It:  St. Luke’s Place is a block-long section of Leroy St. in Greenwich Village.  It is bordered by Hudson Street to the north and 7th Avenue/Bedford Street to the south.  The Huxtable’s brownstone can be found at 10 St. Luke’s Place.


5 responses to “The Huxtable’s House”

  1. enthusiasticallyunadulterated3c3dc29d61 Avatar


  2. Robert Roxbury Avatar

    Just like to add to the list of people who lived on St. Luke’s Pl. Darren McGavin lived in one of the homes there, I do not know which one and when that was. But I know my younger brother and his friends a little run in with him in LEROY ST. park. Hope someone else remembers this him living there as well. I always liked him as an actor. Here is some other information which I would conclude that he did live on St. Luke’s Pl. He studied drama at HB Studio in Greenwich Village in New York City.
    Anyone know what HB studio was?

  3. stephanie Avatar

    nevermind!! I see that you have stalked the Friends apartment building before!

  4. stephanie Avatar

    Did you know that the Friends apartment building is only a couple of blocks away from the Huxtables house?

    Of course it’s just the exterior shots since Friends was filmed in LA.

    I went on a tour yesterday of TV and movie locations in NYC. Our tour guide brought us to both locations!

  5. allison Avatar

    I just want to say thanks for posting your experiences. Ive (pathetically) been saving enough money to take a short 3 day trip there. Ive been to tons of sites getting little tidbits but your site is really helpful. I would have only went to see the cosby house, never knowing all of those other details. thanks for helping me plan my trip.

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