Jen’s House from “Dead to Me”

Jen's House from Dead to Me (13 of 15)

The Grim Cheaper and I admittedly become obsessed with a lot of shows.  But it is a rare occasion (at least as of late) to find ourselves consumed by a series filmed entirely in L.A. (Bosch and Brooklyn Nine-Nine notwithstanding).  Darn runaway production!  So I was ecstatic to discover the thrilling, hilarious AND locally shot Dead to Me.  A few sites from the new Netflix original I recognized immediately, like The Warehouse Restaurant which masked as Dana Point eatery Point Bliss, where Bambi (Olivia Macklin) worked.  Other spots I set about tracking down as soon we finished binging it.  At the top of my list of to-find places was the supposed Laguna Beach abode where widow Jen Harding (Christina Applegate) lived with her two sons, Charlie (Sam McCarthy) and Henry (Luke Roessler), and new BFF, Judy Hale (Linda Cardellini).  Fortunately, it was a snap to pinpoint.


While plowing through the series’ ten episodes (which the GC and I did in just two days), I noticed an address number of “3847” visible on the curb in front of Jen’s house in several establishing shots.  I had an inkling the pad was located somewhere in the Studio City/Sherman Oaks/Encino vicinity and hit pay dirt when I entered “3847,” “house” and “Sherman Oaks” into Google.  An address of 3847 Deervale Drive was kicked back and, sure enough, it was the right place!


Jen's House from Dead to Me (5 of 15)

Aside from the front door which was painted bright yellow for the production, the Cape Cod-style dwelling looks exactly the same in person as it did onscreen . . .


Jen's House from Dead to Me (3 of 15)

. . . right down to the script on the mailbox.


Jen's House from Dead to Me (8 of 15)

In real life, the charming property boasts 5 bedrooms, 4.5 baths, 4,909 square feet of living space, a kitchen featuring Carrara marble and Caesar stone counters, a breakfast nook, French doors throughout, multiple fireplaces (including one outside), a formal dining room, a media room, a butler’s pantry, a pool, a spa, and a covered backyard loggia.

Jen's House from Dead to Me (1 of 15)

Jen's House from Dead to Me (7 of 15)

The 1960 pad, which was heavily remodeled in 2010, last sold for a whopping $2.5-million in January 2011.

Jen's House from Dead to Me (2 of 15)

Jen's House from Dead to Me (4 of 15)

Only the exterior of the home appeared on Dead to Me.  All interiors were filmed on a studio-built set.



Said set was modeled very closely upon the residence’s actual inside, as you can see in the screen captures as compared to the MLS images from the 2011 sale above and below.  In fact, the home so closely resembles its TV counterpart that at first I thought filming had taken place on location there.  Upon closer inspection, though, I noticed a few differences.  In the actual kitchen, for instance, there is no spacing between the windows and the upper cabinets that frame them, but the set windows are surrounded by a perimeter of wall space.  And while the actual home’s real life lower cabinets are made up of drawers, the set’s aren’t.



Other than that, though, Jen’s kitchen is a dead ringer for that of the actual house.



As is the breakfast nook area just beyond it.



The living room set also closely matches the actual living room, though I am unsure why production added that odd yellow window-like insert to the otherwise sleek built-ins.



Lacking wallpaper, curtains and a shelving unit, the home’s dining room is much less ornate than its television dupe, though its shape, layout and wainscotting are the same.


Dead to Me Dining Room

Jen’s master bedroom also bears a similar layout and window/French door schematic to that of the actual house . . .



. . . though her bedroom’s side wall has a cut-out, which the real residence does not.



While the interior of 3847 Deervale was not utilized for filming, its backyard was.



The pool got a lot of airtime . . .


Dead to Me Pool

. . . and the outdoor fireplace made an appearance in the pilot (although it was closed off with white cabinet doors and a television installed above it for the shoot).



Shockingly, the guest house where Judy lived is not a real element of the residence.  Much like the Cohen family’s pool house on fave show The O.C., the structure was a just a façade built for the production in the area adjacent to the pool.



The spot where it was constructed is home to a patch of grass in real life.

Dead to Me Backyard

As was the case with Jen’s residence, the interior of the guest house was a studio-built set.



Jen’s pad is not the only Dead to Me location to be found on Deervale Drive!  The property belonging to her neighbor, Karen (Suzy Nakamura), aka the Mexican Lasagna Lady (who Redditors have some interesting theories about), is right next door at 3869 Deervale.


Jen's House from Dead to Me (11 of 15)

It, too, looks much the same as it did onscreen.


Jen's House from Dead to Me (12 of 15)

For more stalking fun, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Los Angeles magazine and Discover Los Angeles.

Jen's House from Dead to Me (9 of 15)

Until next time, Happy Stalking!  Smile

Stalk It: Jen Harding’s house from Dead to Me is located at 3847 Deervale Drive in Sherman Oaks.  Karen’s home from the series is right next door at 3869 Deervale Drive.


20 responses to “Jen’s House from “Dead to Me””

  1. D Avatar

    Would like to know the siding colors.

  2. Steve Avatar

    What type of outdoor chaise lounge chairs are by the pool? I would like to purchase those type, but cannot find them.

  3. […] the sophomore sequence is shot solely in Los Angeles and showcases town superbly. From the picturesque Cape Cod Jen Harding (Christina Applegate) calls house to the modern pad occupied by Steve Wooden (James […]

  4. […] the sophomore series is shot entirely in Los Angeles and showcases the city beautifully. From the picturesque Cape Cod Jen Harding (Christina Applegate) calls home to the modern pad occupied by Steve Wood (James […]

  5. Beth Wakefield Avatar
    Beth Wakefield

    What color is used in the kitchen of Jen’s House? I love it

  6. Deb Avatar

    Would like to know wallpaper order info for Henry Harding’s bedroom on Dead to Me (tan, sketched cityscape, seen in season 1 episode 10 at ~15:30 – 15:35 before Jen turns his light out and starts to shut the door). Is it wallpaper or an actual sketch/drawing on the wall?

    Would like to know wallpaper order info for Henry Harding’s bedroom on Dead to Me (tan, sketched cityscape, seen in season 1 episode 10 at ~15:30 – 15:35 before Jen turns his light out and starts to shut the door). Is it wallpaper or an actual sketch/drawing on the wall?
    Thank you!

    Thank you!

  7. Deb Avatar

    Would like to know wallpaper order info for Henry Harding’s bedroom on Dead to Me (tan, sketched cityscape, seen in season 1 episode 10 at ~15:30 – 15:35 before Jen turns his light out and starts to shut the door). Is it wallpaper or an actual sketch/drawing on the wall?
    Thank you!

  8. Edwyn Avatar

    Is there a floorplan that i could find anywhere?

  9. Mary Finnegan Avatar
    Mary Finnegan

    Would like to know wallpaper order info for dining room on Dead to Me.
    Thank you!

  10. William Avatar

    Anyone know where those dining chairs are from?

  11. Kathryn Leskovjan Avatar

    Where can I find Jen’s master bedroom bed (headboard and footboard)? Who makes it and where can I buy it? Also, where can I buy the wallpaper behind the headboard? Thank you.🥂

  12. Ann Pfeifer Avatar
    Ann Pfeifer

    I would like to know what the countertops are on parameter and also the island. Also would like to know what the tiles are on the backsplash

    1. Corine Peterson Avatar
      Corine Peterson

      The counters look like black quartz on the island and Carrera marble on the countertops and the backsplash.

  13. Melissa Avatar

    Could someone tell me where to purchase Jen’s bedroom drapery? Thank you 🙂

  14. wanda robertson Avatar
    wanda robertson

    would like to know where to buy the barstools in kitchen.

  15. Cynthia Betts Avatar
    Cynthia Betts

    I would like to know brand name and style of the wallpaper in Jen dining room. Also the lights flanking the dining room window.
    Thank you

    1. Brittany Avatar

      Hi Cynthia, do you already know what the brand name of the wallpaper is or where to get it or some info about it?

  16. Gina LIEBER Avatar
    Gina LIEBER

    Do you know the paint color from exterior of house?

  17. Sandra Parkman Avatar
    Sandra Parkman

    So I play an architect game from EA and would love to have the floor plan for Jen’s house from Dead to Me

    1. Linda Avatar

      What is the name of the game from EA? That sounds like fun.

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