Jim and Pam’s Wedding Church from “The Office”


Another wedding-themed location that I stalked recently was the San Fernando Valley-area church where Jim Halpert (aka John Krasinski) married Pam Beesly (aka Jenna Fischer) in the Season Six episode of my new favorite show The Office titled “Niagara”.  I found out about this location quite a while ago, thanks to both fellow stalker Owen, who had told me about it in an email, and fellow stalker Snidely Whiplash, who posted a comment about it on my site.  And literally, as soon as I finished watching the “Niagara” episode a few weeks back, I dragged my fiancé right out to stalk the place.  Unfortunately, I must have been having a blonde moment at the time, though, because we stalked the church on a Saturday evening when it was, sadly, locked up and closed.  SUCH A BUMMER!  The experience taught me a very valuable lesson, though – if you are going to stalk a church, do so on a Sunday morning when it is almost guaranteed that the property will be open to the public.  😉


In real life, the supposed Niagara Falls, New York-area church where Pam and Jim tied the knot, which was referred to as Spruce Avenue Presbyterian Church in the episode, is known as the Congregational Church of the Chimes and it can actually be found right here in Southern California, in the San Fernando Valley suburb of Sherman Oaks.  Jim and Pam’s wedding did not take place in the church’s main building, though, but in the smaller Walter H. Staves Chapel, which is pictured above.

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And while I didn’t get to see the inside of the chapel, my fiancé and I were able to wander around the church grounds quite a bit and, thanks to some very friendly parishioners who pointed me in the right direction, I got to stalk the fountain where Jim and Pam posed for the photograph that appeared on their official wedding website.  YAY!


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We also got to stalk the patch of grass where Jim kicked around a soccer ball before the wedding, so the day wasn’t a total loss.  🙂 

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My good friends, fellow stalkers Lavonna and Melissa, who were Office aficionados long before I was, stalked the church when they were in town this past April and had much better luck than I did.  As fate would have it, they happened to pull up to the property just as the church’s wedding coordinator, a super nice woman named Lila, was locking the chapel up.  They told her that they were major Office fans and asked if she might let them take a quick peek at the interior and she happily obliged!  Thankfully, Lavonna and Melissa were kind enough to loan me the photographs they took that day to use in this post.  Thank you, ladies!

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Not only did the two of them get to stalk the inside of the chapel, though, but Melissa also got to re-create the “Forever” dance routine that the Office staff performed during the ceremony!  Sigh!  I had SO wanted to do that very same thing while I was there!  Ah well, looks like I’ll just have to re-stalk this place again sometime soon . . . on a Sunday, of course.  “:)

You can watch Jim and Pam’s wedding scene from the “Niagara” episode by clicking above.  And I am not ashamed to admit that I absolutely CANNOT watch that scene without crying – even though I’ve probably seen it a dozen times by now!  It literally gets me EVERY SINGLE TIME!  Especially when Jim says, “And Plan A was marrying her a long, long time ago.  Pretty much the day I met her.”  Sigh!

Big THANK YOU to fellow stalkers Owen and Snidely Whiplash for finding this location and to Lavonna and Melissa for allowing me to post their photos of it on my blog!  🙂

Until next time, Happy Stalking!  🙂

Jim and Pam's Wedding Church Map

Stalk It: Congregational Church of the Chimes, aka Jim and Pam’s wedding church from The Office, is located at 14115 Magnolia Boulevard in Sherman Oaks.  You can visit the church’s official website here.  Jim and Pam got married in the Walter H. Staves Chapel, which is located on the southwest portion of the church grounds and is denoted with the blue arrow on the above map.  The fountain where the couple posed for their wedding photograph is located inside of the Katharine Gibson Chapel of the Garden and is denoted with a gold star on the above map.  The patch of grass where Jim played soccer before the ceremony is located in the center of the property and is denoted with a pink “X” on the above map.


12 responses to “Jim and Pam’s Wedding Church from “The Office””

  1. Salvatore Avatar

    I was searching for the filming locations around Niagara Falls because I was going to go visit them.

    Fun fact, I got married at the top of the horseshoe falls on goat Island in Niagara Falls the same exact day they filmed the wedding. He film crew had to let all of our guests through. (Hotel location is at Red Coach Inn right in the middle of the park) It was so awesome to see the episode air and know I was there getting married also

  2. […] Jim and Pam’s Wedding Church from “The Office” […]

  3. Mark. Bad Avatar
    Mark. Bad

    Does anybody know what Hollywood producer built the main house in the 1920s

  4. Joseph O'Brien Avatar
    Joseph O’Brien

    This church was also used as the location of Laverne’s funeral, season 6 episode 16.

  5. Rebecca Avatar

    I totally cry as well and like you I have seen that clip a million times. (Shoot, even when I hear that song on the radio, I cry just thinking of the show!!)

    I have also been on the Maid of the Mist at Niagara Falls and worn those blue ponchos, I am shocked that they could keep that part of the plot a secret as they really went there to film it. There is no faking that!

  6. Melissa Avatar

    OMG!! I’m on your site! Yay!
    This is probably one of my favorite episodes! I want Jim soo bad!


    1. Owen Avatar

      Let me know when you get Jim, Melissa. I’d be happy to take Pam at that point. Such a cutie. 🙂 You know, perhaps we should work together to try to break them up so we can have them for ourselves. Let’s start doing some preliminary planning. Cruel, yes, but don’t we deserve it?!

      1. Lavonna Avatar

        This sounds like a Seinfeld episode.

      2. Melissa Avatar

        We totally deserve it!

  7. Owen Avatar

    If something happens to your veil, Lindsay, I look forward to hearing about how Bret cut his tie in half. 😉 Great post. This church is definitely on my must-see list, which, by the way, is waaaaay too long. And I had no idea the wedding was filmed in the smaller chapel, so reading this blog just saved me valuable “stalking” time I would have wasted in the main chapel. Time is precious!

  8. Lavonna Avatar

    LOVE IT LOVE IT!!! This was one of my FAVORITE stalks while we were in LA, of course favorite was Sid & Dexter’s, but getting in the chapel was a treat! Melissa loved recreating the dance (without music) LOL. Jim saying he wanted to marry her the first day he met her was as you say sigh…., but at the rehearsal dinner what he said was great too. I won’t quote it incase you decide to blog about that… When we’re in LA in October we’d be HAPPY to go back to the chapel. We will be there that Sunday since our flight doesn’t leave until midnight. BUT I’m so hoping we can see them filming at the studio…fingers crossed!

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