The Lethal Weapon 2 House


Since I am constantly dragging my boyfriend on my stalking adventures every single weekend, I decided to finally stalk a place he would enjoy – the house on stilts from Lethal Weapon 2. This is the same house that Mel Gibson attaches to his pick-up truck via cables, drives away, and pulls right down the hill. In real life, the producers built a replica house on a studio lot for Mel to pull down and the real house is still standing on Mulholland Drive in Beverly Hills.

The Lethal Weapon 2 house was designed by John Lautner – the famous architect who also designed Courtney Cox’s House.


Stalk It: The Garcia House is located at 7436 Mulholland Drive in Hollywood Hills West. If would like to spend the night in a John Lautner home, the Elrod/Lautner home in Palm Springs – which was immortalized in the James Bond movie Diamonds are Forever – is available for rentals. You can learn more about it here.


6 responses to “The Lethal Weapon 2 House”

  1. Stephen Avatar

    Hey, thanks for letting us know. 😊 I’m watching the movie now. 😊

  2. Gio Taylor Avatar
    Gio Taylor

    Great website you have! The Lethal Weapon 2 house is actually in Los Angeles, not Beverly HIlls. It’s in the Hollywood Hills right above Hollywood and about a half-mile (maybe less) away from the Mulholland entrance to Runyon Canyon Park. It’s a ways from the city limits of Beverly Hills.

    All of this can be verified with maps. Again, the website is great!

    1. Donnie Avatar

      To most people that is close enough to Beverly Hills to be the same thing. It sounds like criticism and it doesn’t really change anything….

  3. […] the John Lautner-designed Garcia House from Lethal Weapon 2, which I blogged about way back in February of 2008.  And there is a also private home known as Runyon Ranch located inside of the park that has been […]

  4. […] Limits, 1964 and The Simpsons; The Schaffer house in  A Single Man,2009; ; The Garcia house in Lethal Weapon 2,1989; The Diner set inspired by Googie’s Coffee Shop in Pulp Fiction,1994;  and many others […]

  5. […] Stilt house image from I Am Not A Stalker. […]

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